This list is for anyone looking for resources before or after a tummy tuck surgery including helpful items, youtube videos and websites that I have found for post op tummy tuck advice, supplies and care.
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If you have any questions please comment below. Always consult your surgeon before using products or following advice given on the internet.
Videos On Tummy Tuck Post Op
Tummy Tuck Supplies To Buy
Helpful Websites and Articles
Youtube Videos On Tummy Tucks:
How To Prepare For Surgery - A great overview of everything you need to know.
What Is Proper Aftercare - This is from a plastic surgeon, it discusses his protocols and advice. Your surgeon might have different protocols, but a good overview of what to expect.
Foam, Fibrosis and Compression:
Fibrosis Treatment Using Liposuction Foam- this is a video explaining all about fibrosis and what you can do. You can buy foams on amazon here or see my list of foam options below.
Foam For Dog Ears After Tummy Tuck - This is a video that talks about the extra skin that pokes out on your sides after a tummy tuck. Foam can be found below.
Advice For Different Issues:
Tummy Tuck Rehab - An interview with two physical therapists on rehab after tummy tuck.
Talking About Scars - Scar advice from "the scar lady" and a physical therapist who specializes in wound care
How To Sleep On Your Back After Tummy Tuck - There are many ways to do things, this is a good example of one. Personally, I really love this bolster set up because it is so versatile.
Self Lymphatic Massage and Home Care Post Op:
What To Do If You Don't Get Post Op MLD - Another resources discussion options for self care. She has many great videos, explore her channel.
How To Reduce Pain and Swelling - A video from a physical therapist and certified lymphedema therapist. She shows another way to do self lymphatic work. She has many videos showing how to do self lymphatic drainage.
Self Lymphatic Massage After Tummy Tuck - Another self lymphatic video. Each person in these videos has a different style and new advice that might work best for you.
Vibration for Lymphatic Work after Surgery - A video talking about different types of vibration after surgery for fibrosis. The tools mentioned are this and this, I talk more about them below. Consult your surgeon before using vibration or massage tools.
Websites and Articles:
This website is a goldmine of information on fajas including advice for buying for your body type, measuring and more. She also does mail in faja alterations, which is both amazing and I highly suggest. You want to use someone to alter your faja who knows what they are doing with compression garments.
Information on sequential compression devices for lymphatic work.
Useful Supplies After A Tummy Tuck:
Post Op Care For Swelling, Pain and Fibrosis:
Written by a post op massage therapist. Fantastic.
Book written by a wound care professional about healing and taking care of your wounds and scars.
If your faja is too small, or you have days where your swelling makes it too small use these to give yourself more space.
Useful for preventing swelling migrating to your ankles and feet. Can use after surgery for when you fly or are going to be standing for long periods of time.
A little less expensive than other foam and will do fine.
If you just want to add foam to areas that are not getting enough compression and have pockets of swelling.
Used by lymphedema therapists, another style of foam that comes in a big sheet you can cut to fit spots.
Self Massage and Lymphatic Drainage:
This is a cheap handheld massager if you want to do vibrational lymphatic drainage. Consult your surgeon on when vibration will be appropriate to use before applying to areas of surgery that are healing. Use very lightly in the direction of flow. I suggest watching a self lymphatic drainage video to learn how to stimulate your lymph nodes and direction of flow before using.
This is an investment, but something you can continue to use for years after your surgery for athletic recovery and lymphatic movement. It helps move your lymph in your legs and helps prevent blood clots while you are laid up in bed for long periods of time. If you are experiencing swelling migrating to your legs this is very useful, especially if you hate compression socks.
You will see cheaper models out there (and far more expensive ones). I like this one because you are able to change the amount of compression, a feature a lot of less expensive ones do not have. For lymphatic flow, studies show that between 20–60 mm-Hg is ideal pressure, with the average being 30 mm-Hg. They do go up much higher, but that is more used for athletic recovery and blood flow. Lymphatic vessels will collapse with too much pressure, inhibiting any results from the device. It also is sequential, which means it pumps upward rather than having the pressure be the same throughout the entire sleeve. Studies show that 30 minutes to 2 hours is ideal usage.
Consult your surgeon before using any tools or devices. If you have cellulitis, localized infections, deep vein thrombosis, heart failure, arterial insufficiency or are undergoing anticoagulant therapy this device might not be appropriate for your usage, consult your doctor.
Items For Your Home and Comfort:
The simple raisers are cheaper but I find this one worth the money for 3 reasons:
Its grounded to the floor so if you use the handles to get up there is no chance of the seat losing balance or falling. The ones that rest on the toilet seat are not as secure.
The cheaper ones are plastic, this has a waterproof cushion that is nice and soft.
It can be used in the shower as a shower chair if needed, and the hole makes it easy to wash your undercarriage without having to try to stand.
This can making showering way easy, especially with a shower chair. This is a cheap one if you are not planning to keep it after you are finished with recovery. This is a a nicer one by Moen if you plan to keep it for the long run.
You can get a more intense one with handles like this. I really like little one is nice because it doesn’t take up much space and you can use it in the shower, or garage or wherever after as a little stool after you are done with recovery. I am all about buying things that might be useful in your post op life as well.
You probably won’t need this too long, but it is nice to have. This model folds up so you can store it for any future use (never know when someone is going to have an unexpected surgery) and is pretty affordable. You can also find them at thrift stores sometimes or your buy nothing groups.
For a little more money you can get something like this that has a seat and the ability to carry things. This can also be donated after to low income seniors, where as the other one is less in demand.
This will make your life easier for very little money. Actually useful for years after surgery too.
File this under things you didn’t know you wanted until you have it. A cheap long handled sponge to make bathing way easier.
Hear me out, this may become your favorite post op product. Use with a wet wipe and make your life a lot easier.
Pillows and Bolsters:
This is a little on the expensive side but an AMAZING set up for pillow support after your tummy tuck when you have to stay bent. It has amazing versatility to turn anything into a recliner, and change the configurations of the pillows. There is a coating on the bottom to prevent slipping on any surface, so you stay snug. It also is very comfortable memory foam, but still firm which helps with a sore back. I love this because you can use it on the couch, bed or wherever to make sleeping and hanging out way more comfortable.
Here is a simple and more budget friendly option.
The foot bolster I use in my studio, really great if you are having issues with foot and ankle swelling to use gravity to reduce it. Overall super comfortable for post recovery use too, I use it at home day to day.
Scar Care:
Use as directed by your surgeon. Use to soften and reduce the appearance of scars.
This is a silicone gel if you do not like the tape or have issues with it. A fan favorite, use this as directed by your surgeon to reduce the appearance and improve healing. This also comes with SPF in it and an easy applicator.
If you are wondering what to do with some of these supplies when you are done, I suggest googling donate medical supplies near me. There are many places that would appreciate gentle used, good quality supplies. It will make it easier to spend the money knowing you are helping your community after you are done recovering.
Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your care plan. Any advice or products do not replace the advice of your doctor. While I may be a healthcare professional, I am not your healthcare provider and you use these products and advice at your own risk. More information can be found here.